We hope everyone is continuing to keep healthy as we enter the Spring season. Many of us are opening our windows and getting ready for some spring cleaning around this time of the year. Whatever your spring plans are, we hope you’re enjoying friends and family safely.

If you are postponing your dental cleaning due to COVID-19 concerns, please feel free to call and schedule your appointment. We continue to keep strict protocols at Witkowski Dental in order to keep patients, as well as employees, safe. We continue to have curbside waiting for our patients in order to minimize the number of people in our waiting room area. We hope to open the waiting room in the near future so you may continue to enjoy a cup of coffee or some water as you wait to be seated. We have made some beautiful changes to our office and are excited to open back up with all the amenities you are used to and more!

You will find we continue to provide exemplary service to our patients while we continue to implement COVID-19 precautions. The day of your appointment we ask you either text or call us when you arrive to check in. You will be asked a series of COVID-19 related health questions and a temperature check before you are seated. Patients are asked to wear a mask while entering the office, walking in common areas and when checking out. Doors and waiting area counters are cleaned multiple times a day with medical grade disinfectant. If you need any special accommodations please let us know.

Providers are taking the utmost precautions to keep you and themselves safe during your dental visit. Providers wipe down operatories with medical grade disinfectant after each patient and sterilize all instruments used after each patient. Providers wear CDC recommended PPE during your visit such as gowns, shields, level 3 and/or N95 masks.

We strive to make your experience as safe as possible. Do not wait any longer in scheduling your dental visit! We are excited to present our new office to you and your family.


Dr. L.J. Witkowski III

Dr. Witkowski Jr.

Dr. Clevenger